BIOETHICS AND FILMS /A Human Rights Perspective is an academic, non-profit project destined exclusively to be implemented for teaching, research and extension work. All work included is the intellectual property of their stated author.

Department of Psychology, Ethics and Human Rights,
School of Psychology
University of Buenos Aires

In collaboration with the Ecobioethics Iberoamerican Network and
School of Medicine, University of Porto

Technical support provided by IBIS (International Bioethical Information System) – University of Buenos Aires Science and Technology Program, UBACyT

Editorial board:

Juan Jorge Michel Fariña (coordinator), Moty Benyakar, Carlos Gutiérrez, Elizabeth Ormart, Gabriela Salomone, Eduardo Laso, Andrea Hellemeyer, Armando Kletnicki, Haydée Montesano, María Elena Domínguez.

Executive board:

Alejandra Tomas Maier, Natacha Salomé Lima, Paula Mastandrea, Lucía Amatriain, Paula Paragis, Daniela Judith Fariña

International advisers:

Amnon Carmi (University of Haifa)
Rui Nunes (University of Porto)
Judy Kuriansky (Columbia University)
Brinton Lykes (Boston College)
Jan Helge Solbakk (University of Oslo)
Zafrir Kochanovsky (ttv, Israel)
Stacy Gallin (Emory University)

In collaboration with the Colectivo Iberoamericano de Bioética y Cine:

Argentina (only public universities are mentioned)
University of Buenos Aires (Elizabeth Ormart, Natacha Lima, Paula Mastandrea, Paula Paragis, Dora Serué)
National University of Córdoba (Mariana Gómez, Juan Pablo Duarte)
National University of San Luis (Alejandra Taborda, Andrea Ferrero)
National University of Lomas de Zamora (Esteban Costa, Edgardo Etchehezar)

Pontifical Javeriana University (Eduardo Díaz-Amado, Andrea Hellemeyer)
Universidad del Bosque (Luis Felipe Ramírez-Gil; Boris Julián Pinto-Bustamante; María Lucía Rivera-Sanín)
Del Rosario University (Diana Rocío Bernal-Camargo; Ana Isabel Gómez-Córdoba)

Alberto Hurtado University (Elizabeth Lira; María de los Ángeles Bilbao)

UVic-Universitat Central de Catalunya (Irene Cambra Badii)

National Autonomous University (Maria de Jesus Medina Arellano, Jennifer Hincapie Sánchez, Pauline Capdevielle)

University of the Republic (Irene Barros, Michel Dibarbure)

Images and video

Lucía Amatriain
Alejandra Rodríguez Lamberti
Darío D’Abate
Daniela Judith Fariña
Facundo Iair Michel Attías
With the collaboration of the Departament of Video, Facultad de Psicología, UBA